Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Shabu Shabu

Tonight was another fun night in Tokyo. My boss and I took off early from the office today. Bless her heart, she is always so good about trying to show me a good time. We took the Tokyo subway (which is CRAZY!!), we went to this miniature book shop she's been talking about for days (she's well-read, so I'm assuming she's already read all the full-sized books out there).

After spending some time there, we took a taxi over to a restaurant she used to live close to that was famous for Shabu Shabu. This is basically a very hot broth, in which you cook veggies and very thinly sliced beef (I know ... I'm hardly a vegetarian these days). It was really good. When you're done, they use the broth and add noodles to make a tasty soup. It was great.

Another crazy ride home on the subway and I'm back here at the hotel. I'm off tomorrow back to Hong Kong. I have mixed feelings because I kinda miss Hong Kong, but am really loving Japan as well.
Here's an interesting Japanese fact. We got on at the Shinagawa station, which loosely translates to "house by the water." This is what it looks like in Japanese:


Can you see it??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh...I am living vicariously through you. I love reading your blog. It makes me want to go on vacation to another country....which won't happen for a long, long, long, long time. I emailed your blog to my friend who went to Japan last year. It's too funny to not pass on!

Anyway, check out our latest post at Buster's Boston T. Social.