Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Don't laugh at me ....

So I'm still getting over some of my reverse jet lag. It has been infinitely easier to go back in this direction that going to the US from Asia. Monday I crashed at 6:00 pm and woke up at 3:00 am. Today I woke up at 5:00 am. Tomorrow I should be back on track!

As much as I loved being home for a few days, I have a certain level of comfort being back here in Hong Kong. I'm realizing that I'm somewhat insulated here ... insulated from the "real world" to some degree. No drama at the office, no major responsibility or pressure. Maybe it's the simplicity that I'm enjoying. A five minute walk to and from the office, cooking my own dinner, reading before I go to sleep. I have no stress here ... and it's been a long time since that has happened. I know it's temporary, but nice while it lasts.

The weather has been beautiful here. At least beautiful to me. I step outside into a sea of jackets and scarves every morning, looking terribly under dressed. Yesterday for lunch I sat in the park across the street from my office and watched the interesting cross-section of people enjoying the weather. The older Chinese people doing Tai Chi in their suits and skirts, the homeless person sleeping under the swing set, the only two black people I'd seen in the same place (playing basketball, of course!), my creepy co-worker who has this weird way of always showing up everywhere where I am (namely the restroom ) ... all just enjoying the day.

So this post has taken the the longest time to write ever, because now I'm overthinking everything that I write. That is because 1) now I know how many people are reading this darn thing and 2) everyone keeps saying "you are so funny!" I hate to break it to you all, but I'm not trying to be funny. So you're not laughing with me, you're laughing at me. What your're doing equates to running up to a little kid with Down Syndrome and saying "Oh my gosh Timmy, you're hilarious! That funny way you walk and talk ... it KILLS me!" You should all be ashamed. But I still love ya.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok that post wasn't that funny. except the part about the retarded kid.